Preparation and submission of a planning application and accompanying planning statements for the conversion of two redundant barns to two residential dwellings including a variation of condition. Consent was granted despite the Council’s objection to the loss of green belt land and the potential impact of the development to the local bat habitat. We were able to justify the protection of the habitats through an ecology report. The site’s impact upon the green belt was identified as being very limited and the development even opened up more of the site to the green belt due to the demolition of redundant farm buildings. Consent was granted and a variation of condition was agreed upon at a later date. We are currently working to amend the original consent which seeks to subdivide the larger barn to provide two dwellings along with the construction of two car ports/garages. The application is currently being considered by Wychavon District Council and we are hopeful of a positive result by May 2014.
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Residential affordable housing retirement living and care homes

Sian Griffiths Director