Planning, Development and Architectural Consultancy

  • Responsive
  • Creative
  • Accomplished


We offer a comprehensive range of planning services to public and private sector clients including residential, commercial, leisure and community-led schemes.

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Unlock the development potential of any project or site with our development services including market assessments, options appraisals, valuations and project management.

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We act for numerous landowners and advise on the best way to unlock the planning potential, and this includes securing developer partners that will provide the best fit to maximise the development potential of your site at the earliest opportunity.

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We provide high quality service

We push boundaries

We challenge convention

Responsive. Creative. Accomplished

Based in Worcestershire, Operating Across England and Wales

RCA Regeneration is a consultancy specialising in the provision of regeneration and planning consultancy services including grant funding advice, planning advice, development and options appraisals.

Contact us to start your next project