RCA were instructed to prepare, submit and manage a Reserved Matters application for the erection of 86 dwellings on land south of Banbury Road, Chipping Norton on behalf of Cala Homes.
The site comprises an area of land which extends in its entirety to 5.4 hectares (ha). The Site is located to the north east of Chipping Norton and is bound to the north by Banbury Road (A44), the main road connecting Chipping Norton to Banbury.
The proposals were landscape-led, with an area of open space wrapping around the site on all sides. This ensured that the development was aligned with the parameters plan submitted as part of the previous outline application and would softens views from nearby PROWs. The open space proposed will be planted with new trees providing screening and opportunities for biodiversity gain. The proposed layout plan shows significant open space to be provided whilst also retaining a density that was appropriate to the local character of the area.
The proposals included a mix of 1, 2, 3 , 4 and 5 bed dwellings, set across a range of different house types which include semi-detached and terraces.
Project Information
Residential affordable housing retirement living and care homes

Sian Griffiths Director