RCA were asked to provide a Financial Viability Appraisal and report advising the viability of the proposed development scheme at the site. The FVA assessed the level of affordable housing provision and planning contributions, if any, the scheme could viably provide. The FVA is in respect of the application for the conversion of Haseley Manor to apartments and erection of a further 9 dwellings following demolition of Saxon House and Rossmore House.
RCA assessed the values likely to be achievable for the proposed scheme and calculated all relevant costs associated with the scheme to reach a Residual Land Value. The report concluded that the scheme was unviable to support the provision of affordable housing and any other associated planning contributions. An independent assessment of the scheme undertaken by Warwick District Council’s viability assessor concluded that the scheme would be unviable to support affordable housing or S106, therefore agreeing with RCA’s conclusions.
Project Information
Spitfire Homes
Heritage Residential affordable housing retirement living and care homes

Rob Csondor Managing Director