Joe Bennett Image

Joe Bennett

Principal Planner

BSc (Hons), MSc, MRTPI

Joe joined RCA Regeneration in April 2019, shortly after completing his studies at the University of Birmingham where he studied Geography and Urban and Regional Planning BSc (Hons). Since then, he returned to Birmingham to continue his studies and is now in the final stages of a master’s degree. Since joining RCA, Joe has prepared, submitted and managed applications through to determination; achieving numerous approvals on a variety of developments. These have ranged from barn conversions, major residential developments and several energy-related projects. Most recently, Joe secured approval for an all-affordable development in Worcester, which will provide 92 new homes. He has also submitted and managed several appeals, successfully navigating the appeals process. In addition, Joe has conducted and organised several public consultations, both in postal and virtual format. He has also produced numerous Housing Needs Assessments to support applications for Rural Exception sites. Joe also has experience in helping clients with land promotion, with sites now being contained in emerging plans as a result. When he’s not at work, Joe can be found cycling the back lanes of rural Worcestershire or following his football team.

92 new affordable homes on land south of Worcester (Client: Rooftop Housing Group) RCA were appointed to submit and manage this application for Rooftop on a site which forms part of an urban extension. The development provides a range of apartments, bungalows, together with 2, 3 and 4 bed homes, with a community orchard, play area, wildlife pond and community allotment. The scheme also meets our client’s sustainability goals for their new developments. Whilst the application process proved challenging, Joe worked closely with Worcester City Council to achieve a resolution to grant at committee recently.

223 new homes in West Bromwich (Client: Countryside Properties) Joe worked with our clients Countryside Properties to secure planning permission for 223 new homes on a site in West Bromwich. The site was heavily constrained associated with past uses on the site and nearby occupiers. Joe also had to be mindful of our client’s requirement to achieve permission within a very limited window and accordingly, managed to secure an officer recommendation for approval and successfully presenting at committee within c.4 months of the application being validated.

45 new homes in Ombersley, Worcestershire (Client: Spitfire Homes) This site was allocated in the South Worcestershire Development Plan for approximately 25 homes, but RCA assisted our clients in achieving 45 new homes to make a more effective use of land and realise the full development potential from the site. Joe helped to coordinate all of the reports required for the site and worked with Wychavon District Council to achieve an officer recommendation to approve. Joe presented at committee and members voted in favour of the application in July 2021.

33 new affordable homes in Malvern (Client: Piper Homes) Joe managed this application, on what was a challenging previously developed site. The site was also at the foot of a number of existing gardens, and Joe assisted with a public consultation exercise prior to the application being submitted. The application was approved at the planning committee, at which Joe presented, and Members commended the work of all involved as being exhaustive in seeking the best development possible for the area.